Du betrachtest gerade IRON ANGEL – Sänger Dirk Schröder ist verstorben

IRON ANGEL – Sänger Dirk Schröder ist verstorben

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IRON ANGEL, die Hamburger Veteranen des deutschen Heavy und Thrash Metals, die mit ihrem 1985er Debütlangeisen „Hellish Crossfire“ einen echten Meileinstein vom Stapel ließen, beklagen den Tod ihres Sängers Dirk Schröder. Dirk hattte die Band 1980 gegründet. Er wurde nur 58 Jahre alt.

Die Band schreibt auf ihren Sociual Media Kanälen:

“Dear friends and fans all over the world,

with great sadness we have to inform you that our beloved friend, charismatic frontman and one of a kind vocalist Dirk Schröder has passed away.

We are still processing what has happend as Dirk was not just a bandmate to us, but a dear friend. Besides his larger than life personality, Dirk had a heart of gold and was very protective towards the people he cared about, even at the expense of his own wellbeing. He will be deeply missed by all of us. But while mourning his loss, we should also cherish the memory of him and all the things he has accomplished, all the joy he has given, his music, his legacy… May he never be forgotten!

R.I.P. Dirk Schröder (1967 – 2025)“


Thank you for the Metal und R.I.P.