You are currently viewing IOTUNN – Epische `Mistland` Single veröffentlicht

IOTUNN – Epische `Mistland` Single veröffentlicht

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Die Dänisch-Faröer Metaller IOTUNN streamen ihren neuesten Epic-Track `Mistland`, der auch auf dem zweiten Album der Band landen wird. Während das Album noch keinen Termin hat, könnt ihr die Single auf den digitalen Plattformen finden oder hier den von Costin Chioreanu animierten Clip sehen.

Sänger Jesper Gräs erklärt zur Single:

“The theme of the song revolves around risking relationships to break free of the old ways and embrace new ideas and „progress“, for better or worse. This feeds into the general story and concept of the upcoming album, which deals with ancient peoples becoming aware of a ritual that can release them from their earthly form and allow them to seek new astral and spiritual horizons”, explains Jón Aldará ”Mistland is perhaps the most important song for me personally in the IOTUNN catalogue so far. Creatively it evolves from an idea of a song which I´ve had in my mind for years, and with Mistland it finally became. After laying the foundation of the song, it took off with my brother and I working on it intensively for lots of time, and then with the whole band contributing to a truly inspirational circular creative matter.

Mistland is very personal to me because its sonic expressions reflect deep and sincere feelings derived from being alive. I find a melancholy that I see as part of all the experiences and feelings you can have throughout life. It is a melancholy which always give deeper and higher perspectives to whatever state of mind you are in. A true fellowship which can set you free or entangle you into something where you lose yourself”




Lie awake

All at stake

By now the fear has gone

But the pain finds a way

Deep in my veins

Seeks to infiltrate the core


The light of resistance

Burns bright or it burns not at all

I am not the oil of a dying world

Yet there is rage inside

Passion for impassioned breeds


From the woods they call my name

In the mist we are all the same

When the sky reflects their flames

I will be calling out for rain


I should fly away

From the change

Feel the stars from afar

Different waves bring new states

A chance to be realised


Another sense of self is imminent

Another plague of hungry minds

We put aside the worth of I

The truth inside

The blazing fire of a dream

And forgot what it used to mean


From the woods they call my name

In the mist we are all the same

When the sky reflects their flames

I will be calling out for rain


I will defy the shrouded line

For once dissolve the divide

Reach you through the night

To reinvoke our ties



I could choose to face the end alone

You could choose to let me go

I will try to meet your claim

Though you would not do the same

My kin