You are currently viewing INFECTED RAIN – `Never To Return` Videopremiere zur Albumankündigung

INFECTED RAIN – `Never To Return` Videopremiere zur Albumankündigung

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INFECTED RAIN, die moldavische Modern Metal Crew um Fronterin Lena Scissorhand, kündigt ihr neues Album “Time“ für  den 09. Februar 2024 an. Für den Song `Never To Return` hat die Band jetzt gerade ein neues Video online gestellt.

Die Band schreibt über den Track:

„‚Never To Retun‘ is our deep dive into the unstoppable flow of time, reminiscent of the shifting sands in an ancient desert.

Like smoke that slips through fingers, moments pass us by, leaving behind traces of memories.

In this song, amidst the backdrop of the vast, timeless desert, we transform into ethereal creatures, exploring the mysteries of time. It’s a reflection on life’s journey, with all its fleeting moments, and a reminder that every second counts.“

