You are currently viewing IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT – `Tower of Glory, City of Shame` Clip hochgeladen

IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT – `Tower of Glory, City of Shame` Clip hochgeladen

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IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT bieten bekanntermaßen kein easy listening Material, o auch beim neuen Video zu `Tower of Glory, City of Shame`, mit dem die drei experimentellen Black Metaller auf das am 22.Juli kommende Album „Spirit of Ecstasy“ aufmerksam machen.

Die Band schickt dazu folgende Message:

“Monolithic events engineered throughout the ages compel great shifts in consciousness. Seemingly coincidental and synchronous points forever alter the landscape. Pigeons gather one by one. Civilization moves through the gateways and in hindsight the obscured vision becomes clearer. Still unknown, however is the truth as all is an illusion with much loss of life and zero accountability. At a certain point there are too many pigeons for the control’s infantile stories to be what they claim…“





Titelfoto: kraussphoto