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IGNEA – `Dunes` Videopremiere der Death-Symphonics

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Groovigen Melodic Death mit symphonischen Anteilen, die sich besonders im Gesang von Growlerin und Sängerin Helle Bogdanova niederschlagen, servieren die ukrainischen Metaller im soeben veröffentlichten Video zum Song `Dunes`. Mit dem auch optisch passenden Video zum kontrastierenden  Song, schickt die Band einen weiteren Vorläufer ihres dritten Albums “Dreams of Lands Unseen“, der am 28. April herauskommt.

Die Frontfrau schreibt zu `Dunes`:

We continue telling the story of the amazing Ukrainian travel writer and photographer Sofia Yablonska who lived in the XX century. “Dunes“ is inspired by her adventure to the Sahara Desert. On this dangerous journey, Sofia’s driver fainted from the intense heat, so she had to take charge of driving and also fix the overheated engine herself. Their troubles didn’t end there, as they also had to escape from hostile locals who tried to shoot them. Our song describes how Sofia saw a mirage, so common for the desert. In our version, instead of imagining palm trees and oasis, she saw the chilly Carpathian mountains with pine trees and rainfalls…”

