Du betrachtest gerade HORIZON IGNITED – Video zur neuen Single `Prison Of My Mind`

HORIZON IGNITED – Video zur neuen Single `Prison Of My Mind`

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Finnlands Melodic Death Team HORIZON IGNITED stellt heute den zweiten Song seines, bereits mit ‘Welcome To This House Of Hate` vorgestellten, dritten Albums „Tides“ vor. `Prison Of My Mind` zeigt sich zunächst ungewöhnlich gemäßigt, legt aber später ordentlich  nach. Die „Tides“ Scheibe erwartet euch ab dem 21. Februar 2025, in verschiedenen Varianten.




A new shadow blinding a part of my mind

Blurring out what used to be

I’m still not gone but I am hard to find

Oh please just stay with me


There are no friendly faces

There’s no familiar places

Flashes from a life once lived

This is a curse I received


Forgive my words, forgive my mind

I’ve become some other being

This is not me but I still breathe

Help me feel safe and remember me


My mind is not my own anymore

I’m lost and scared, I feel alone

Let me still feel loved

Let me feel alive once more


Forgive my words, forgive my mind

I’ve become some other being

This is not me but I still breathe

Help me feel safe and remember me


Once I was stronger than the stormy seas

My mind was my own, I was free

Now I’m trapped in this prison cell

The prison of my mind


Forgive my words, forgive my mind

I’ve become some other being

This is not me but I still breathe

Help me feel safe and remember me