You are currently viewing HORISONT – ‘Sheldon Churchyard’ Coverversion

HORISONT – ‘Sheldon Churchyard’ Coverversion

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Die bärtigen Schweden mit dem 70er Rocksound haben sich in der Pandemie ein neues Spielfeld gesucht und mit Coverversionen gefunden. Als erstes veröffentlichen die Skandinavier jetzt ‘Sheldon Churchyard’ von Larry Jon Wilson:

“That driving groove combined with those enigmatic lyrics really transfer you to another time and place. Let the groove lead the way and see where you’ll wound up.”

Über den Entstehungsprozess sagt die Band:

„As big fans of country music we wanted to do a couple of songs that people might not expect from us. Still, we wanted them to sound like Horisont. So we set up at Let Them Swing Studio and hit the record button just to see where the songs took us. This is the result. Let Them Swing Studio is a recording studio in the countryside outside of Gothenburg, Sweden, owned and run by Kim and Malin. They rebuilt an old barn on their property and set it up for live recording. With no neighbors in sight, it’s an ideal place to make noise 24-7. A weekend mixed of relaxed creativity and fun.”
