Die finnischen Melodic Rocker HIGHWAY QUEEN um Frontfrau Virpi Kääriäinen präsentieren die Single `Get On Your Knees´ samt Videoclip vom Full-Length-Debüt „Bitter Soul“, das am 16. Dezember in die Läden kommt. Den Titeltrack gibt es nochmal hier zu hören und ihren mal heavy, mal doomig, mal thrashig beeinflussten Sound erklärt das Trio selbst:
„From our first self-releases and singles with Inverse Records to this album, our sound is definitely going from a lighter to heavier direction. Every song has its own mood so feeling vary throughout the album. There are parts in the album with bluesy vibes to parts that have strong doom or even thrash vibes. It all blends together with a touch of 80’s style. Every song on the record has its own mood.“