Du betrachtest gerade HEXVESSEL –  Video zum neuen Song `A Dark & Graceful Wilderness` ist online

HEXVESSEL – Video zum neuen Song `A Dark & Graceful Wilderness` ist online

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Finnlands HEXVESSEL bewegen sich stilistisch zwischen Black, Doom, Folk und Gothic Metal, wobei der neue Track `A Dark & Graceful Wilderness` genau diese scheinbar wilde aber dennoch passende Mixtur widerspiegelt. Der Song gehöert zu dem nächsten Longplayer ”Nocturne”, der im Juni herauskommen wird.

Mat „Kvohst“ McNerney:

„This song is a macrocosm of our new ‚Nocturne‘ album and it embraces all the elements that are represented throughout. It ranges from epic black metal structures that evoke nature’s grand epiphany to the minimal synths as we drone out to the chaos of wild space. All the influences are there from Thorns to Tangerine Dream, Darkthrone to Philip Glass to Dead Can Dance. As an artistic tradition, a ‚Nocturne‘ captures the essence of night, a somber veil where nature is the liminal path.“




Hail forest hail mountains

deities of the wilderness

here I am your young brave son

the strength of a fierce wind

I wish to be the forest’s son

the hero of the grand pines

on the trail of the forest god

let the world be forgotten

in the hearts dark peace

the storm blows and the forest roars

lightning sparks fire

and the pine falls with thunder


who dreamed us into this

dark and graceful wilderness?

no paths or borderlines

let the earth become your grail

can anyone survive

with sacred fires in their heart

when spirits falter

and wild nature is forgotten


hail forest hail mountains

deep in peaceful darkness

ravished stars walk and sing

echo through the rushes

rise up mountain air

ascending through the gloom

remade from eternal night

ripe with chaos hunger


Trackliste Nocturne

`Sapphire Zephyrs’
`Inward Landscapes’
`A Dark & Graceful Wilderness’
`Spirit Masked Wolf’
`Nights Tender Reckoning’
`Mother Destroyer’
`Concealed Descent’