Du betrachtest gerade HERMAN RAREBELL & FRIENDS – `Passion Rules The Gam` Video (Scorpions)

HERMAN RAREBELL & FRIENDS – `Passion Rules The Gam` Video (Scorpions)

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HERMAN RAREBELL, berühmt durch die Scorpions, bei denen er Jahre hinter der berühmten Schießbude saß, stellt seine Neueintrepretation des Scorpions Klassikers `Passion Rules The Gam` vor. Im Original erschien der Song 1988 auf dem “Savage Amusement“ Album.

Die Veröffentlichung kommt im Vorfeld des HERMAN RAREBELL & FRIENDS Albums „What About Love?“, am 11. April, für das er reichlich bekannte Namen des Musikbiz, wie Black Sabbath-Bassist Bob Daisley, Howard Leese von Heart, Sänger Michael Voss (Casanova, Mad Max, Michael Schenker), Van de Forst, Neil Carter sowie Produzent und Gitarrist Dann Huff versammelt hat. Gemeinsam begeben sie sich musikalisch zurück in die 80er.



Stranded in this town

My machine slows down

To take me where the night begins

I´m playing everywhere

Loving here and there

I always take the chance to win

Drove a million miles

Gambling rules my life

I only stop to start again


I reach out through the air

Good look is everywhere

Can almost touch it with my hands


Just a little luck tonight

Will do and dreams come true

Just a little luck tonight

I can´t stop the wheel

That turns the ball of steel


When passion rules the game

I ain´t got no control, when my heart´s in flames


I´m a stranger in this town

Life takes me up and down

I´ll break the score until I´m free

Can´t stop to roll the dice

And in the morning light

A girl like you is all I need


Don´t you need some love tonight

I do, yes I do

Don´t you need some love tonight

How can we stand the heat

When love is all we need


When passion rules the game

I ain´t got no control, when my heart´s in flames

Trackliste `What About Love?`:
  1. In The Air Tonight
  2. I Want To Know What Love Is
  3. Love Is A Battlefield
  4. What About Love
  5. Every Breath You Take
  6. Sweet Child O‘ Mine
  7. Here I Go Again
  8. Addicted To Love
  9. Passion Rules The Game
  10. Rock You Like A Hurricane
  11. These Dreams
  12. I Love Rock ‚N‘ Roll