You are currently viewing GRAVERIPPER –  Frischer US Death-Thrash  “Seasons Dreaming Death“ Albumstream

GRAVERIPPER – Frischer US Death-Thrash “Seasons Dreaming Death“ Albumstream

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Zwei Jahre nach der ersten“ Radiated Remains“ EP haben die ungehobelten Thrasher mit Black und Death Einschlag , GRAVERIPPER, an diesem Wochenende ihr Debütalbum “Seasons Dreaming Death“ herausgebracht. Alle Tracks könnt ihr hier über die Bandcampseite der Jungs aus Indiana hören.

Gitarrist und Shouter Corey Parks erzählt über die Scheibe:

“Double down on what resonates with us, but also introduce some new arrangements, ideas, themes, and influences. With this being a full-length record there was a lot more room to do that. We introduced more Teutonic thrash worship that teeters on the line of death metal. We also took this as an opportunity to prove we can really play some straightforward malicious black metal riffing as well. All while keeping the overall sonic goal of sewing black and thrash together in our own unique ratio.”


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