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GOD DETHRONED – `The Hanged Man` Clip ist online

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Die Niederländer Black Musikextremisten GOD DETHRONED, veröffentlichen am  nächsten Freitag, den 06. September, ihr nächstes Langeisen “The Judas Paradox“. Als neuester Appetithappen ist jetzt `The Hanged Man` als Visualizer online gegangen, nachdem sie bereits den Titelsong ` The Judas Paradox` veröffentlicht hatten.

Frontman Henri „T.S.K.“ Sattler erklärt zum Song:

„An extremely catchy song which lyrics are based on the tarot card ‚The Hanged Man‘. The reason I decided to use tarot cards as a basis to write lyrics is because I like tarot cards and their meanings and it gave me the opportunity to write a different type of lyrics that I hadn’t used before. The Hanged Man tarot card is about sacrifice. Musically it’s a groovy Death Metal banger with a middle part that shows Dave Meester’s skills as a virtuoso on lead guitar. Especially in this song you get the feeling that the death metal version of Dave Murray is present in his utmost glory.“


Live gibt es GOD DETHRONED, zusammen mit BATUSHKA und VLTIMAS, bei der ”Epic Prophecy for Europe“ Tour im Oktober zu sehen.




I am the hanged man

Hanged by my own accord

I am the hanged man

Upside down, self sacrifice

I am the hanged man

Halo burning around my head

I am the hanged man

I am enlightened


I was dragged on a wooden plank

At a horse’s tail

To the place of execution

Left for dead


I am the hanged man

I am divine

I am the hanged man

I’m in a trance

Life in suspension

I do not suffer

I am the hanged man

Judas Iscariot


I was dragged on a wooden plank

At a horse’s tail

To the place of execution

Left for dead


I am the hanged man

Hanged by my own accord

I am the hanged man

Upside down, self sacrifice

I am the hanged man

Halo burning around my head


I am the hanged man

I am enlightened

I am the hanged man

I am divine

I am the hanged man

I do not suffer


I was dragged on a wooden plank

At a horse’s tail

To the place of execution

Left for dead