You are currently viewing GENERATION KILL – Streamen ’Dogs Of War‘ (ft. John Joseph) Clip

GENERATION KILL – Streamen ’Dogs Of War‘ (ft. John Joseph) Clip

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Die New Yorker Thrasher um Ex-Exodus Fronter Rob Dukes haben ihr Album „MKUltra“ veröffentlicht, bei dem unter anderem auch Gary Holt (Exodus) und Chris Poland (ex-Megadeth) als Special Guests vertreten sind. Auch John Joseph, seines Zeichens ex-CRO-MAGS Fronter gibt der Band uNterstützung. Zum Beispiel auf der neuen Auskopplung ‚Dogs Of War‘, die thematisch leider viel zu aktuell ist.



The dogs of war are marching again

Their only goal the subjugation of man

Control the minds of the weak and depraved

Control the food and news with greed

Fill them with hate for their fellow man

Here we go off to war again

Out in the streets they scream for the blood

Of the people in their neighborhood

Hate those who don’t think like them

Fighting for things they don’t understand

Wolves on the hunt and the sheep are blind

Here comes the end of humankind



The end of times



A Web of lies



The worlds demise



Of all life

As we walk through this valley of death

These devils mock our every steps

They Feed us poison at every turn

Like slaves the acceptance is learned

There are those that take a stand

Knowing well their deaths are planned

Minds wiped of their very will

Broken and battered their blood is spilled

shot to death in front of us all

To remind us who’s is charge

Humankind is run by scourge

It will be the death of us all


These systems are failing

The answers are crimes

Power breeds corruption

The corrupt breed lies

You’re only a number

A statistic en mass

In a death spiral

No hope for man

The dogs of war are marching again

Their only goal the subjugation of man

Control the minds of the weak and depraved

Control the food and news with greed

Fill them with hate for their fellow man

Here we go off to war again

Out in the streets they scream for the blood

Of the people in their neighborhood

Hate those who don’t think like them

Fighting for things they don’t understand

Wolves on the hunt and the sheep are blind

Here comes the end of humankind