You are currently viewing FLOTSAM AND JETSAM – ’Blood In The Water’ Videopremiere des Titeltracks

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM – ’Blood In The Water’ Videopremiere des Titeltracks

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Die Arizona Thrash Institution FLOTSAM AND JETSAM feiert heute die Premiere ihres Clips für den Opener ihres “Blood In The Water“ betitelten Albums, das am 04. Juni alle alten (und auch neue) Thrasher begeistern will.

Drummer Ken Mary zum harten Track:

„This last year was a very different year for many of us, and we will say that the tragedy and difficulty had an impact on this song and this new album. „Blood In The Water“ is one of the most aggressive Flotsam songs ever, but that wasn’t planned. We just tried to pour everything we were feeling into each song. We didn’t want to analyze it or qualify it, and we just let the song be what it was going to be. What you’re hearing is the result of what I’d say is the closest you can get to looking at the inside of Flotzilla’s brain!“
