Die Metalband EATEN BY SHARKS kommt aus der Niagara Region im Südwesten der kanadischen Provinz Ontario und kündigt für den 26. August ihr Zweitwerk „Eradication“ an, welches auf das Debüt „We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat“ (2013) folgt. Die erste Auskopplung `Shallow Water´ gibt es nun im Lyricvideo.
Die Band erklärt dazu:
“It was the last song written for the album, we already had most of the songs fleshed out for it. This song was thought of as a big ‘maybe’, due to not having much time to write it. However, it turned out to be one of those songs that flew together with little effort. It has an odd time swing to it that grooves and hits like a Mac truck. It then flip-flops between some harmonizing bridges, solos, and demonic typewriter-type polyrhythms. Matt then breathes life into the song with a bloody cove gone mad narrative. His vocal chops deliver some classic death vocals, mixed with some tasty staccato phrasing, fitting the instrumental structures perfectly.”
Photo Credit: Lisa Thompson