Du betrachtest gerade DRAGONKNIGHT – `The Legions Of Immortal Dragonlords` als Video veröffentlicht

DRAGONKNIGHT – `The Legions Of Immortal Dragonlords` als Video veröffentlicht

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Wer DRAGONKNIGHT heißt, spielt natürlich Power Metal. So begeben sich die fünf, zum Teil maskierten „Lords“ bei ihrer zweiten Single `The Legions Of Immortal Dragonlords` wieder in Euro-typische Power Metal Gefilde um irgendwelche Heldentaten zu vollbringen. Am 17. Januar 2025 kulminiert das Ganze in dem Album „Legions“, was für Genrefans wohl sicher das richtige Futter anbietet.




As the night falls, and darkness fills the land

Their hearts are filled with premonition

An evil, waiting to be seen

Feeding on their superstition


They’d rather hide than speak of tales from the other side

Spreading fears, shedding tears – the cowards way


The helpless…

Pray Obey to live today

They call our name and light the flame of Eternity


Of Gods who went beyond

We sing this sacred song

Illuminating dark realities

We enter the unknown

To face what lies below

We’re the Legions of Immortal Dragonlords


They are too blind to stare the devil in the eyes

Fooled by the master in disguise

Forever slaves blessed with ordinary names

While their souls are sacrificed in vain


Pray Obey to live today

They call our name and light the flame of Eternity


Of Gods who went beyond

We sing this sacred song

Illuminating dark realities

We enter the unknown

To face what lies below

We’re the Legions of Immortal Dragonlords