Ab heute, den 30.10 ist der großartige DIO Track, in einer Version von LEROI XIII als digital Single überall erhältlich. Wichtig bei der Coverversion ist, dass 100 % der Einnahmen des Songs an den „Stand Up and Shout Cancer Fund“ weitergeleitet werden. Wendy Dio, die Ehefrau der 2010 viel zu früh an Magen-Krebs verstorbenen Metal-Legende unterstützt die Aktion und sagt:
“I am so pleased with this cover of ‘Stand Up and Shout,’ and I know Ronnie would be so honored.”
LEROI XIII ist eine neu gegründete Band, die aus den Größen Terry LeRoi (Granny 4 Barrel) als Sänger, den Gitaristten Troy McLawhorn (Evanescence) und Sammy Boller, Bassist Aaron Pauley (Of Mice and Men), und Will Hunt ( ebenfalls von Evanescence). als Schlagzeuger , besteht.
“This was an amazing and unforgettable experience working with these incredibly talented artists and legendary producer David Bendeth! It’s truly an honor to pay tribute to Ronnie James Dio and to have this opportunity to support Wendy and the Dio Cancer Fund.” -Terry LeRoi
Die Band äußert sich voller Respekt und Dankbarkeit
“Working with this great crew of people, and paying homage to Ronnie James Dio, one of the greatest rock singers that ever lived, was an amazing experience…When you hear it, just stand up and shout! FUCK CANCER!” -David Bendeth
“I’ve been a fan of Dio for as long as I can remember. To play on this cover with such amazing musicians was a real honor.” -Sammy Boller
“‘Stand Up and Shout’ is such a timeless and more meaningful than ever classic metal masterpiece. We had a great time making this and knowing that it’s to support the Dio Cancer Fund made this whole experience even better” -Will Hunt
“When I was asked to join these great musicians to record a tribute to Dio with ‘Stand Up and Shout,’ I was honored and excited. When I found out the proceeds would go to this great cause, I was 100% in.”-Troy McLawhorn
Den „Ronnie James Dio Stand Up And Shout Cancer Fund“ findet ihr hier: https://diocancerfund.org