You are currently viewing DIANNE (van Giersbergen) ft. Marcela Bovio – `Flameborn´ Video-Single veröffentlicht

DIANNE (van Giersbergen) ft. Marcela Bovio – `Flameborn´ Video-Single veröffentlicht

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Die ehemalige Xandria Sängerin DIANNE (van Giersbergen) präsentiert eine weitere Symphonic Metal Solosingle mit dem Titel `Flameborn´. Dabei ist dieses Mal sogar doppelte Frauen- und Stimmpower angesagt, denn es steht der Niederländerin die mexikanische Sängerin, Violinistin und Gesangslehrerin Marcela Bovio (Stream of Passion, Dark Horse White Horse, MaYaN, Ayreon) zur Seite. Dazu hat sich noch ihr ehemaliger Xandria Bandkollege Steven Wussow dazu gesellt, der hier den Bass übernimmt.

DIANNE schreibt:

“Flameborn” is an autobiographical story about restoring a lost friendship. It’s dedicated to my dear friend and ex Xandria band member, Steven Wussow, who also performs bass guitar on this song,”



Dark is the spell that binds us, under each moon and sun, for once we walked as one.

I’ve wept, since the day I left you on the storm-tormented shores.


Dark is the fight that broke us. We took up arms, and then we never spoke again.

Here, I do stand before you, a foolish heart consumed with pain.


We are flameborn, even darkness won’t conquer our twin flame souls. (We are the flameborn souls.)

Through this nightfall, I’ll be your northern star, come what may, until our dying day.


Our eyes shine a thousand stories, each gleam and spark does tell of a harrowing hell.

Will you share my path, console me? Or leave me poisoned by your hand?

By my hand..


Once there was sunlight, ferociously flaming.

Fire and ashes fell upon the world


Out of the embers the cretin awakened.

All was forsaken, dust to dust.


We are flameborn, even darkness won’t conquer our twin flame souls. (We are the flameborn souls.)

Through this nightfall, I’ll be your northern star, come what may, until our dying day.


Flameborn soul! (The) tyrant will not atone

Flameborn soul! Demonized, terrorized.


Lights went down, our curtain fell.

The storm awoke, without farewell.


End the sorrow, lay your healing hand onto my tear-swept soul.

I dwelled a never-ending twilight.

You’ve found me and heavy, we fell into open arms, my long-lost friend.


We are flameborn, even darkness won’t conquer our twin flame souls. (We are the flameborn souls.)

Through this nightfall, I’ll be your northern star, come what may..

No foe will break us, flameborn and fearless, until our dying day.

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