You are currently viewing DEVIN TOWNSEND  – “The dumbest song I’ve ever written” `Knuckledragger`

DEVIN TOWNSEND – “The dumbest song I’ve ever written” `Knuckledragger`

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“PowerNerd“, das neueste Werk von DEVIN TOWNSEND ist an diesem Wochenende in den Läden aufgeschlagen und der vielseitige Kanadier lässt es sich nicht nehmen, darauf auch den eingängigen Song `Knuckledragger`, den er selbst als “The dumbest song I’ve ever written” beschreibt,  zu veröffentlichen.

DEVIN schreibt dazu:

Over the past few years, working on The Moth and a host of upcoming ‘complicated’ musical statements, I (as have many of us) have been constantly astounded by the levels of stupidity that seem to be much of what we’re presented in media and entertainment. It inspired me to write ‘the dumbest song I could’ and I think to some degree I succeeded. This song has been polarizing in my personal circle. Some people see it for what it is, and some are confused by why I would write something like this. What it is, however, is just a reaction to the dumb things I see everywhere and a reflection of that I guess. And ‘beer’ in this regard is not necessarily referring to beer, but more anything that kind of takes the edge off. It’s different for everyone. But in any case: I present to you the dumbest song I’ve ever written. Knuckledragger. The record comes out today. I hope some of you can find moments in it that you can relate to and maybe it can be of some use :)”


DEVIN TOWNSEND ruft auch zu „PowerNerd“ Guitar Solo Challenge auf. Sprich die begabten unter euch solle ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen und das absichtlich fehlende Gitarrensolo ergänzen:

“To celebrate his new album PowerNerd, Devin invites you to add your unique style to the song Knuckledragger! In this track, Devin intentionally left out a guitar solo, leaving room for your creativity to complete it. Upload your best solo for the missing part of Knuckledragger right here. Devin will be watching every submission, and he’ll create a special reaction video to his favourite solo, sharing it across his social media for everyone to see!“

