You are currently viewing DEFILED – „Horror Beyond Horror“ Titeltrack enthüllt

DEFILED – „Horror Beyond Horror“ Titeltrack enthüllt

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Die Brutal Death Samurai von DEFILED stellen den Titelsong ihres neuen Langeisens samt Video vor. Das achte Studiolangeisen „Horror Beyond Horror“ hauen die japanischen Death Legenden dann am 20. September raus.



Horror beyond horror
A bitter lesson in the sandpit
Fear overwhelms across different dimensions
Open the door to dominance
Psychological behavioral control
Obey the principles of the indoctrination camp
Exercise the infernal practices
Brainwashing is fundamental
Acclimatization check
Horror beyond horror
Scumbag replaced by a scumbag
Waiting for the slaughter
Execution moment
The time has come
Death strikes you with derision
Death strikes you with derision
Scumbag replaced by a scumbag
Waiting for the slaughter
A bitter lesson in the sandpit
Fear overwhelms across different dimensions
Horror beyond horror

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