Ex-Twisted Sister Frontmann und charismatischer Soloartist DEE SNIDER hat für Ende Juli sein drittes Studioalbum „Leave A Scar“ unter seinem eigenen Namen angekündigt. Heute zeigt er den Fans, dass er das Rocken definitiv nicht verlernt hat und postet sein Video zum Track ‘I Gotta Rock (Again)’.
Dee erklärt zum Song:
‘I Gotta Rock (Again)’ is the starting gun for this album and the driving motivation behind me returning to the studio to record Leave a Scar. At the end of 2019, I had felt my recording and live performing was over, but I didn’t announce it to the world. I mentally had decided I was done. But the state of things in 2020 had other plans for me. Between Covid and the political state around the globe, I found myself yearning (yes, I yearn) to get back in the studio. In the immortal words of Ice Cube, „I got somethin‘ to say!“
Und fährt fort:
„By the end of 2020, I knew I not only had to get back into the studio, but for the first time since the ’90s, I wanted – no, needed – to be a part of the writing process. I reached out to my producer Jamey Jasta and told him I was ready to make another record. Leave a Scar is filled with messages to and for the silent voices in the world who need someone to speak out on their behalf. This is my purpose.”