You are currently viewing Death-Thrasher THE CROWN – Veröffentlichen Video zum neuen Track ’We Drift On’

Death-Thrasher THE CROWN – Veröffentlichen Video zum neuen Track ’We Drift On’

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Am 12. März wird THE CROWN ihr zehntes Studioalbum “Royal Destroyer”, via Metal Blade Records veröffentlichen. Als Preview haben die ,seit über drei Jahrzehnten bestehenden, Death-Thrasher ein Video der Single ’We Drift On’ gedreht, das ihr euch hier ansehen könnt.

Gitarrist Marko Tervonen kommentiert den Song so:

„I think that after 30 years, people are aware that we can play pretty brutal music. But we also sometimes like to take it down a notch and explore other areas. I guess in 2021, it’s pretty difficult to ’surprise‘ people with a brutal song, so we hope to surprise you with this more mellow tune. Dare I even use the word ‚ballad‘ *insert-fear-here*
Lean back, drift on and enjoy.“

Bassist Magnus Olsfelt freut sich über die Langlebigkeit der Band.

“It is our album number ten, so now we are in the big boys club, (..) I think it in some ways is our crowning achievement, and it encompasses our sound across all albums on one defining record. It’s got it all – the early 90s death metal stuff, the haunting melodies, the thrash, the punk, the grind, the heavy metal and the more epic and doomy stuff.“






(Music: M. Tervonen Lyrics: M. Tervonen)


A fraction of time with a million stars. Dark endless sea so far too deep. Infinite depth, no eyes to see. Never knowing what lies beneath.


Old inside – yet young within.

The distant star, the distant dream.

Yet so close but not in reach.

Almost there, we’re almost there


We drift on

We sail on

We fade on


Your distant stars will shine on, forever (a) reminding to hold.

Your brightest stars are right beside you, every day, every day…..until


We drift on

We sail on

We fade on

We live on


We drift on

We sail on

We fade on

We’ll return