Du betrachtest gerade DAWN OF SOLACE – Wolfheart Projekt mit `Dream` Video zum Albumrelease

DAWN OF SOLACE – Wolfheart Projekt mit `Dream` Video zum Albumrelease

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DAWN OF SOLACE, das seit 20 Jahren existente Melancholic Metal Projekt von Wolfhearts  Tuomas Saukkonen hat an diesem Wochenende den neuen Longplayer “Affliction Vortex“ herausgebracht. Passend dazu ist auch das Lyricvideo für den Track `Dream` online gegangen.

Bandkopf Tuomas Saukkonen meint:

Dream might not be the most typical DoS single song but the forward pushing pulse and the steady groove of the song made it impossible to ignore it as one of the obvious single choices. Like a train rushing through the night and full moon illuminating the view.





In the furnace, the forge of sleep,

In dream and waking

Heartbeats and hammer strokes


Slumber in a self-made pyre

Dreams slowly breaking apart o

Heart weeps and hammer blows


Ages into aeons beyond

Until dust remade

Brighter than the stars


In the endless ocean, in the dark

Undying devotion for the dark


Dream like an endless ocean

Dream like a sea

Endless currents carry me


Dream like a fiery ocean

Fires wide like the sea

Where endless flames sear me