Du betrachtest gerade CRYSTAL VIPER – Kommen auf `The Cult` Tour

CRYSTAL VIPER – Kommen auf `The Cult` Tour

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CRYSTAL VIPER, die Metaller um Frontfrau Marta Gabriel geben für den nächsten Sommer ihre Toutpläne für Europa bekannt. Neben einigen Festivalshows, ist auch die`The Cult` Headlinertour für 2023 geplant.

Marta Gabriel schreibt:

„Our latest studio album, „The Cult“, was released last year – in the middle of the pandemic. We had no chance to give it proper promotion, as almost all of our tour dates got cancelled. As we recently managed to confirm few live shows for 2023, we decided to give them a common name, The Cult Tour 2023, and we asked our friend Mario Lopez – who painted cover artwork for „The Cult“ – to come up with even more Lovecraftian tour poster. We are a live band, we love playing, we love being on stage, and we love sharing our heavy metal with people!“


Hier die bisher bekannt gegebenen Termine, weitere sollen folgen.

28/04 Germany, Wilferdingen, No Playback Festival

04/05 Germany, Halen, Hell Over Halen Festival

06/05 – Germany, Braunschweig, Rock In Rautheim Festival


27/05 Czech Republic, Pasohlavky, Euro Bike Fest

01/06 Germany, Gries, Iron Fest

02/06 Germany, Freiburg, Artik

03/06 Germany, Bielefeld, JZ Stricker

07/06 – Germany, Berlin, Cassiopeia

08/06 Czech Republic, Frydek-Mistek, Hellpdays Festival

10/06 Germany, Selb, Rockclub Nordbayern