You are currently viewing CRYPTOSIS – Neuer Stuff der Niederländischen Thrasher: ’Transcendence‘ Clip

CRYPTOSIS – Neuer Stuff der Niederländischen Thrasher: ’Transcendence‘ Clip

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Von “Bionic Swarm“ des futuristischen Thrash Outfits CRYPTOSIS stammt die Abgehnummer ’Transcendence‘. Am 26 März erscheint die Scheibe dann in allen möglichen Editionen. Das niederländische Trio kommentiert ihren Song so:

“In 2149 it is possible to purchase digital thoughts, knowledge and talents from a deceased person. The term „self investment“ has shifted to a whole different kind of perspective. People can now enhance their mind to be more creative and smarter beyond their wildest dreams. This all comes at a price, since the new technology is so addictive that society can’t live without it anymore. Mankind has become the host… of a parasite.

