Du betrachtest gerade CROWN OF MADNESS – Death Metal Duo teilt `Dreamless Nights No Longer`

CROWN OF MADNESS – Death Metal Duo teilt `Dreamless Nights No Longer`

  • Beitrags-Autor:

Death Metal, der dissonant aber trotzdem hörbar aus den Speakern schallt. Das scheint die Marschrichtung des British Columbia Duos CROWN OF MADNESS zu sein. Nach zwei EPs kündigen Mainwoman Sunshine Schneider und ihr Drummer Connor Gordon ihren ersten Longplayer “Memories Fragmented“ an, von dem ihr Label den Track `Dreamless Nights No Longer` online gestellt hat.

Die Band schreibt:

“Our goal is to share emotionally driven death metal to those in need. We are stoked to release our debut LP on Transcending Obscurity alongside an amazing roster of bands. We are proud to have produced, recorded and mixed this album. Thank you to Stu McKillop at Raincity Recorders for the mastering. Thank you to Kunal and everyone at Transcending Obscurity for allowing us to reach farther and push our goals.“

