You are currently viewing CROSSPLANE – ‘Make Beer Not War’ Videopremiere

CROSSPLANE – ‘Make Beer Not War’ Videopremiere

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Manchmal passt ein Song ungeplant in die Zeit. ‘Make Beer Not War’ der deutschen „High-Octane Motörhead Rock’n Roller“ ist genau das. Dabei stammt der Song von der “Fastlane“ Langrille, die am 22. April erscheint.

Die Nachricht der Band zum Track lautet entsprechend:

„When the song ‚Make Beer Not War‘ was written, we didn’t realize how once again war would show its ugly side in this world. And now the situation is more relevant than ever. We wish it wasn’t like that. But we must never stop showing that we are against violence and war!”

– „We’re on the same star, make beer not war“ –
