Du betrachtest gerade CREEPING DEATH  ft. George „Corpsgrinder“ Fisher – `Intestinal Wrap` Video

CREEPING DEATH ft. George „Corpsgrinder“ Fisher – `Intestinal Wrap` Video

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Das derbe texanische Death Metal Undergroundoutfit CREEPING DEATH veröffentlicht `Intestinal Wrap`, die erste Single ihres am 16. Juni erscheinenden Longplayers  „Boundless Domain. Dei dem hat niemand geringeres als George „Corpsegrinder“ Fisher von Cannibal Corpse mitgewirkt und ohrenscheinlich additional Vocals beigesteuert.




Intestinal Wrap

An expert display in savagery

Hallowed are the horrors of Edom

At the darkest point of night

She slips behind enemy lines

Under their noses she quietly sneaks

When dawn comes they’ll beg on their knees

Dragged into the woods with organs exposed


Their innards turned out, to the stumps their bound Intestinal Wrap

Vile unmerciful, these calculated kills Rotting into the stumps

Tied down, Intestinal Wrap

Obsessed with the rush

Entranced by the blood

Lived a life with a knee unbent

She’s a slave to the violence



Intestinal Wrap