You are currently viewing CRAZY LIXX – ’Reach Out’ läutet neues Album ein

CRAZY LIXX – ’Reach Out’ läutet neues Album ein

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Tanzbaren AOR – Glam Rock erwartet man bei den Schweden und den bekommt ihr auch in dem neuen Track ’Reach Out’. Mit dem Song kündigen CRAZY LIXX ihr neues Album an, das unter dem Namen “ Street Lethal“ am 05. November in die Läden kommt.



In my dreams – I fought this fight a million times

Wide awake – There’s everything to prove

I’ve been lost – But I can see things clearly now

Time has come, the time to make a change


Standing at the crossroads – Wondering where this road will lead

Rising from the ashes, like a phoenix, from the flames – I fly again


Reach out – Hold on

Live to win, be the best and heed the call

Reach out and hold on

Take the fight, make a stand and have it all


In my life – I’d always take the safer road

But there’s a voice – It tells me to be brave

What I am – It’s my decision, mine alone

And if I fall, I’ll fight to rise again


Standing at the crossroads – Wondering where this road will lead

Rising from the ashes, like a phoenix, from the flames – I fly again


Reach out – Hold on

Live to win, to be the best and heed the call

Reach out and hold on

Take the fight, make a stand and have it all


Reach out – Hold on

Live to win, be the best and heed the call

Reach out and hold on

And forget the pain

Reach out and hold on

And hide your fears