Du betrachtest gerade CRADLE OF FILTH – ` White Hellebore´ vom kommenden Album enthüllt

CRADLE OF FILTH – ` White Hellebore´ vom kommenden Album enthüllt

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Ende März erscheint die neue CRADLE OF FILTH Scheibe “The Screaming Of The Valkyries“, von dem die Extreme Metaller die neue Single `White Hellebore´ online gestellt haben. Im Sommer geht es für die Symphonic Black Brut dann auf `Summoned In Summer` Tour 2025 mit den brasilianischen Thrashladies von NERVOSA.

Mastermind Dani Filth über Song und Video:

“The wintertime flower of the title reminds us scintillatingly of our own mortality, flourishing in seasons of dying light and cold, frozen earth. lossoming in the shadows, this Hellebore’s flowers draw us deeply into the stygian darkness with her. In context of this song, the White Hellebore of the title is an alluring woman not too distant in danger from the predatory black widow, fostering both hope and despair; A poison and an elixir, she is stunning to behold but ever deadly to taste. This video -reeking of Lovecraftian gothic horror- presents the White Hellebore as a movie starlet who survives the grave through her dalliances with dark occult forces, a necromantic mystic tryst that an overzealous morgue attendant encounters with terrifying results, complimenting the song’s unholy matrimony of melody and mayhem.”
