You are currently viewing COVENTHRALL – Power Metal Outfit startet Mission `Dreadnought`

COVENTHRALL – Power Metal Outfit startet Mission `Dreadnought`

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`Dreadnought` ist die erste Single der finnischen Power Metal Band COVENTHRALL, die unter anderem aus Jukka Hoffrén (Adamantra und Amberian Dawn) und Sänger Sami „Texas“ Ilvonen besteht. Damit veröffentlicht die Truppe den ersten Song vom anstehenden Sci-Fi Album “ Legacy of Morfuidra“.

Sami erzählt dazu:

„Dreadnought is a huge, bulky old mothership manned by space pirates and scavenging galactic riffraff. The pirates target defenceless victims in the galaxy’s more remote space lanes and solar systems outside the reach of the galactic Emperor and the law. In this second track of the album the scavengers arrive in the Morfuidran solar system piloting the Dreadnought. They aim to enslave peaceful people and strip mine their planet Morfuidra of all their resources and ancient technology.”
