You are currently viewing CAVALERA – `Necromancer´ neueingespielt im Lyricvideo zum Tourstart

CAVALERA – `Necromancer´ neueingespielt im Lyricvideo zum Tourstart

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SEPULTURAs Gründungsmitglieder Max und Iggor Cavalera haben mit ihrem CAVALERA Projekt die ersten beiden SEPULTURA Outputs  mit der heutigen Sound-Technik neu eingespielt und die “Bestial Devastation“ EP und das “Morbid Visions“ Album neu veröffentlicht. Vom Kurzplayer gibt es nun den Track `Necromancer´ im Lyricclip. Sicherlich auch, um auf die morgen startende „Morbid Devastation“ UK/EU Tour hinzuweisen.



The mist is high in this night
Can feel the presence of death
Way to the mortuary so the deads will invoke
Corpses and skulls in my countour
See a corpse bloody with the face in cruciform
Now being from the wrath

Catch the skulls of a children, frozen and dismal
Coming with me
Creature, kill in name of Hell
The black mess is started, life’s will terminate
With the wrath of the demons started the genocide

Wrath, in my corpus is born
Death, lost legions from Hell
Slaughter, you’ll see in sacrifice
Skulls, are christians with blood
Dead’s invoker
Dead’s invoker

Wrath, odious, desire
In my corpus is born
The fates last, terror’s spread
For a necros creature of
The crypts‘

The mist is high in this night
Can feel the presence of death
Way to the mortuary so the deads will invoke
Corpses and skulls in my countour
See a corpse bloody with the face in cruciform
Now being from the wrath