CABAL vermengen in ihrem neuen Track `Snake Tongues` Deathcore Riffs mit Industrialsounds und erinnern mit der kalten Härte irgendwie an Fear Factory, ohne auch nur Gefahr zu laufen diese zu kopieren. Mit dem dazugehörigen Video. Zum Lead-Track feiert die Band dann auch die heutige Veröffentlichung der neuen Langrille “Everything Rots“.
Fronter Andreas Bjulver erklärt über das Album:
„We are beyond excited to finally share ‚Everything Rots‘ with the world today, this album is the culmination of years of hard work and it is the essence of what we have become as a band. All good things end, everyone dies and Everything Rots.“
Wer mag, kann sich die auf der bald anstehenden “Back From Hell” Tour geben. Die Termine findet ihr unten.
They slither in the darkness, their deadly a sickly gleam,
They’ll promise you the world, but bleed you dry and steal your dreams
Sign the bottom of the page, now there’s no escape
Welcome to a world where no one ever leaves unscathed.
I feel their grip tightening, they’ll take everything
You won’t ever be free once you’ve let them in.
They will leave you hollow, strip away your youth, leave you in the dirt, when you’re no longer of use
Surounded by snake tongues, dripping venom, I can’t feel my face, numb
In the shadows and the corners of my eyes they creep, baring their fangs, they’re ready to consume me
Serpents and leaches every single one, and they latch on till you come undone.
Serpents and leaches every single one, and they bleed you dry till your soul is gone
Vipers whisper and leaches leach
Pray all you want, you no longer have a soul to keep
They will crush your dreams
And when they push you to the end of your days
They will happily throw the dirt on your grave
Surounded by snake tongues, dripping venom, I can’t feel my face, numb
In the shadows and the corners of my eyes they creep, baring their fangs, they’re ready to consume me
Back From Hell Tour 2025:
27.04.25 Germany Karlsruhe Substage
28.04.25 Germany Berlin Metropol
29.04.25 Germany Hamburg Grünspan
30.04.25 Norway Oslo Parkteatret
02.05.25 Finland Helsinki Ääniwalli
04.05.25 Sweden Stockholm Kollektivet Livet
05.05.25 Denmark Copenhagen Pumpehuset
06.05.25 Netherlands Eindhoven Dynamo
08.05.25 UK Bristol The Fleece
09.05.25 UK Birmingham Asylum
10.05.25 UK London The Dome
12.05.25 Switzerland Zürich Komplex 457
13.05.25 Germany München Backstage
14.05.25 Austria Vienna Flex
15.05.25 Hungary Budapest Dürer Kert
16.05.25 Poland Krakow Kwadrat
17.05.25 Germany Leipzig Conne Island
18.05.25 Germany Köln Essigfabrik