You are currently viewing Brutal Tech Death Metaller ORPHALIS – `As The Ashes Settle´ Titeltrack ist online

Brutal Tech Death Metaller ORPHALIS – `As The Ashes Settle´ Titeltrack ist online

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Die deutschen Brutal Tech Death Metaller ORPHALIS bereiten die für den 25. August geplante Veröffentlichung ihres vierten Nackenbrechers „As The Ashes Settle“ mit der Auskopplung des gleichnamigen Titelsongs vor. Die Balance zwischen Brutalität und Technik sowie die packenden Vocals lassen für das kommende Langeisen so einiges erwarten. ORPHALIS sind: Thomas Szczecina (Vocals), Jens Dürholt Gitarren und Backing Vocals), Morten Formeseyn (Gitarre), Thomas Köhler am Bass sowie Drummer Phillip Hatcher.



This is a futile call to arms
From my throne I bore witness to all that harms
All in the way of progress and harmony
Forced to enforce the balance of power
Free will never more than delusion
Held up high by grief-stricken, fucking animals
And my calculations weigh against it
Look what you’ve done, you callous pieces of rot
Empires built to last, falling and for what?
Your time’s up and what remains?
Now you rise up
I’ve let go of the joys of humanity
Only for you to piss away
Every sacrifice made, condemning me
This is our call to arms
We let go of control
These principles enforced
Corralled to march to a soulless song
The pied piper
Made from ice and glass
Vicious and heartless
The iron dogma of control
Precise and callous
The blind hand of progress directs it all
Logic, the noblest of all traits exchanged for what
The falsehood of bliss prevailed
Like prophecies of old
Now stand before your ash
And pick the carcass clean
Crawl among the filth
Like prophets of old, remain frail
I’ve seen the fire fade decades ago
Analysis of a million paths all led here
This dire certainty, the road long paved
A reign lying in crumbles, not yet dethroned
Follow our call to arms
The last stand against the tyranny
Many have been lost
And more will still be
The price of freedom
Always our own blood
Humanity rejects its guiding light
Influence unseen, felt with certainty
Now in the way of progress
Not to choke, urgency provoked
Vicious and heartless
The iron dogma of control
Precise and callous
The blind hand of progress directs it all
Logic, the noblest of all traits exchanged for what
The falsehood of bliss prevailed
Like prophecies of old
Now stand before your ash
And pick the carcass clean
Crawl among the filth
Like prophets of old, remain frail
The throne of ice and glass shattered
Humanity lying in shambles
We look towards a bleak future
Blackened skies, towers of filth
The ravaged husk of the flesh and machine
Was it worth it?
The cruelest of fate