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BLAZE BAYLEY – Ex-Iron Maiden Sänger erleidet Herzinfarkt

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Gemäß einem Post des Managements hat BLAZE BAYLEY, bekannt als zwischenzeitlicher Iron Maiden Sänger und Soloartist gestern einen Herzinfarkt erlitten. Sein Zustand wird im Post als „stabil“ beschrieben. Aus diesem Grund werden alle Konzerte für März und April abgesagt. Über den Zeitraum ab Juni, kann derzeit noch keine Entscheidung getroffen werden.


Hier das Originalzitat:

We sincerely regret to announce that Blaze had a heart attack at home yesterday evening & is now in hospital in a stable condition, awaiting news of further surgery/treatment. He is in good spirits in the circumstances but utterly disappointed to have to postpone our imminent shows due in March & April. Ticket refunds will be available at source but we truly hope you will keep your tickets & make it to the new dates which we will be announcing as soon as they are scheduled.

Regarding shows already booked for June-November this year, we understandably have to wait a short while to see how quick Blaze’s recovery will be, so please stay tuned & meanwhile most importantly we’re sure you will join us in wishing him a complete & speedy recovery.

Blaze misses you, cannot wait to regain full health & see you all again.

Every Storm Ends… ‘your heart will heal’

Thank you so much everyone for your understanding & support.


Wir wünschen eine schnelle Genesung.


Photo Credit: Artur Tarczewski