Du betrachtest gerade Blackened HM Outfit NITE – mit `Kronian Moon‘ Song und Video

Blackened HM Outfit NITE – mit `Kronian Moon‘ Song und Video

  • Beitrags-Autor:

Das Blackened Heavy Metal Outfit NITE macht modernen, dunklen Melodic Metal mit NWBOHM-Schlagseite und wird seinen Full-Length-Zweitling „Voices of the Kronian Moon“ am 25. März 2022 unters Volk bringen. Schon jetzt teilt die Band das offizielle Musikvideo zur ersten Single ‚Kronian Moon‘.

Mainman Van Labrakis kommentiert:

„Occult thematology is central to NITE’s essence. In this album it manifested through our version of the Arthurian myth and the quest for the holy grail, in our case symbolized by the Sun, or more accurately “a Sun”, in the alternate reality of the ‚Kronian Moon.‘ We wanted to explore a different domain with this album and move past the horror origins of our debut, ‚Darkness Silence Mirror Flame.‘ Having the album circle around a journey towards the Sun felt really interesting given that we are NITE after all! We love contradictions and the entropy they bring forth and it felt really fresh dealing with a much lighter subject“
