Du betrachtest gerade BLACK & DAMNED – Heavy Metal Outfit mit `Injustice` Clip zum neuen Album

BLACK & DAMNED – Heavy Metal Outfit mit `Injustice` Clip zum neuen Album

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Am Wochenende, genauer gesagt am 14. März,  haben die klassischen Schwermetaller BLACK & DAMNED ihre neue Scheibe „Resurrection“ herausgebracht. Passend dazu ist der Track `Injustice`, als neueste Singleauskopplung online gegangen.

Die Band schickt folgende Message zum Track:

War, death and displacement usually affect the weak. F*cking Führers, we’ve had it before. Stop it and let’s live in peace.“




We are proud of all our technology

That takes mankind to the moon


But we have not succeeded yet

In giving all the children bread

Protection from abuse

Slave labor and misuse


Injustice injustice

They suffer from injustice injustice


Insane dictators send children to war

And they don’t know what they are fighting for


But we have not succeeded yet

In stopping these berserk and mad

Fucking führers

Who let their people die


Injustice injustice

They suffer from injustice injustice


Injustice injustice

They suffer from injustice injustice


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