BERIDIER (elbisch für Wächter) sind ein Progressive Melancholic Power Metal Act aus Bergamo, welches am 21. Januar ihren neuen Silberling „AQVA“ auf den Markt bringt. Als ersten Appetithappen gibt es die Single ‚Departure Song‘ auf die Ohren.
Bandgründer Stefan Nüsperli erklärt:
„We think AQVA will positively surprise our older fans and lead new ones, this record is much more diverse and has definitely matured in songwriting. The main goal of AQVA as a whole is to figuratively “submerge” the listener with a spectrum of themes, both musical and lyrical, related to water and its shapes. Water is the element of flow, it’s the substance that conceals, preserves, and washes all away. The lulling nature of a silent shore or a rapping rain is juxtaposed to the fearsome imagery of the undertow, riptides, and tidal waves. We tried to convey these atavistic sensations differently from track to track. The singles were chosen to showcase the variety of approaches to this theme.“