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AXXIS – `Moonlight Bay´ Auskopplung zur Albumveröffentlichung

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Am heutigen Freitag veröffentlichen AXXIS ihr sechzehntes und letztes Studiowerk „Coming Home“ und präsentieren dazu die Auskopplung  `Moonlight Bay´ samt Video. Den Titeltrack und `Blackest Vision` waren bereits vorgestellt worden. Zum Abschluss ihrer großartigen Laufbahn gehen die Hardrocker dann in mehreren Tranchen ab September noch einmal auf große “Coming Home” Tour.

Zur besonderen Entstehung des Tracks erläutert die Band:

„The experiment was successful: As early as 2023, AXXIS recorded fans in the Balver Cave, at Full Metal Holiday, and in Lünen to sing a great melody together. In „Moonlight Bay,“ the many voices were mixed to demonstrate even more unity and togetherness in the song. Musical elements from „Touch the Rainbow“ were deliberately used to continue writing this text full of hope for a better future. „Moonlight Bay“ is a place where there is no hate, no discord, and no distrust, a place where people live together in harmony, a place that can only be found if you let go of all negativity—a fantasy place that is too beautiful to be true, especially in today’s world… but we are still allowed to dream.“


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