Du betrachtest gerade ATROX TRAUMA – Thrash Outfit stellt `Emptiness` Video vor

ATROX TRAUMA – Thrash Outfit stellt `Emptiness` Video vor

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ATROX TRAUMA, Ungarns Thrash Unit mit Hang zum Death Metal, schickt sich an den Nachfolger  zu ihrem 2022er Longplayer “On The Line Of Nothing And Something“ herauszubringe. Die neue Scheibe trägt den namen “Where Death Hunts“ und will ab dem 17. April weitere internationale Fans ansprechen. Einen Vorgeschmack auf das Kommende, gibt euch das neue `Emptiness` Video.




I am so empty now

Hollowness welcomed inside

This emptiness swallowed by

All alone very much


Floating in space most likely the same

No dragging no lifting anywhere any

Anything better than this I can’t see

I don’t see any worse it could be


Back to loneliness

I would like to show into you

Back to happiness

You should take me with you


Back to loneliness

I would like to show it to you

Back to happiness

You should take me with you


Mystical circles all tangled

Lost in there floating somewhere

Leaving this ruff reality behind

Left for good no turning back now


I’m so empty now

Hollowness welcomed inside

This emptiness swallowed by

All alone very much


Floating in space most likely the same

No dragging no lifting anywhere any

Anything better than this I can’t see

I don’t see any worse it could be


Back to loneliness

I would like to show it to you

Back to happiness

You should take me with you


Looking back for a sec

Wanna be going on the route

Fulfilling that emptiness

To find myself in you