You are currently viewing ANGELUS APATRIDA – Spaniens Thrasher mit Video zu ‘Indoctrinate‘

ANGELUS APATRIDA – Spaniens Thrasher mit Video zu ‘Indoctrinate‘

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Das selbstbetitelte Album der Spanier, „Angelus Apatrida“ hat seine Veröffentlichung am 05 Februar. Vorher erscheint für die Thrashfans das Video zum Opener ‘Indoctrinate‘. Hier gibt’s „Feindselige Musik in feindseligen Zeiten“


“When your new album is written and recorded during a global pandemic, you might expect some side effects on it. “Indoctrinate“ is the opening track of ‘Angelus Apatrida’ and it’s probably the angriest song we ever composed! It reflects a mix of all feelings experienced throughout this past year and also how people were being radicalized via stupid extremist populism within society.  There is no place for racism, fascism, homophobia or any other act of intolerance or bigotry in Rock music. Actually, there is no place for any of it in a civilized, democratic society. And it’s our responsibility to face it and not to look the other way. This is hostile music for hostile times.”
