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AMON AMARTH – `Get In The Ring´ Track- und Videopremiere

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AMON AMARTH kündigen für den 05. August ihr neues Langeisen „The Great Heathen Army“ an und präsentieren gleichzeitig den Opener `Get Int The Ring´, eine Viking Death Metal Hymne im Stil eines Einlaufsongs von Box- oder Wrestlingevents. Die Hauptrolle im Video übernimmt dementsprechend der US-amerikanische Ex-WWE Wrestler norwegischer Herkunft Erick ‚Redbeard‘ Rowan (aka Joseph Ruud).

Johan Hegg :
Overall ‚The Great Heathen Army‘ is one of the heavier albums we’ve made. There are some dark and heavy songs that are really powerful and in-your-face, but we obviously have some trademark melodic Amon Amarth songs on there as well, and a few surprises too. It’s a really well-balanced album. It sounds great. Andy Sneap is awesome. It was great to be able to work with him again.

Gitarrist, Olavi Mikkonen ergänzt:
We’ve been away making new music and we’re back with new darker, more death-metal sounding album. If ‚Berserker‘ was our ‚heavy metal‘ album, then ‚The Great Heathen Army‘ is our ‚death metal‘ album. But with that said, it’s still very much contemporary Amon Amarth, but perhaps style-wise we have gone back to our roots a little bit.
