You are currently viewing ALLUVIAL – `Bog Dweller` & `Fogbelt` sind online

ALLUVIAL – `Bog Dweller` & `Fogbelt` sind online

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ALLUVIAL entwickeln sich immer weiter von Tech Death zu Deathcore. Wer sich davon überzeugen mag, dem seien die neue Songs `Bog Dweller` und `Fogbelt`, von der im Januar 2024 erscheinenden vier-Track EP “Death Is But a Door“, ans Herz gelegt. Für `Bog Dweller` hat das Label am Wochenende das Video online gestellt. `Fogbelt`, findet ihr über den unten angegeben Link.

Wes Hauch erklärt:

We wrote about 13 or 14 songs this summer, but we wanted to do this EP between Sarcoma and our next full-length. These songs align with the vibe we want to go for. We will always find a way to be darker from record to record in the same way that South of Heaven was heavier than Reign In Blood and Seasons In The Abyss was heavier than South Of Heaven. It was that concept of chasing the dragon to find a way to top the message and vibe on the last record while finding a way to do it that made us excited.“



