Auch wenn “Female Fronted” Death Metal mittlerweile auch mehr und mehr zur Normalität wird, ist die erst letztes Jahr gegründete Band ADMIRE THE GRIM durchaus berichtenswert. Haben die Finnen doch bereits zwei Singles veröffentlicht und steuern auf die Veröffentlichung der “Rogue Five“ Debüt EP, am 13. Januar 2023 zu.
Vokalistin Katri Snellman über die neue Single:
“The Flood was the first song that we wrote together. Jani came up with the idea for the instruments and I wrote the vocal and lyric lines. The lyrics are about the feeling of drowning into your own thoughts, described with a lot of metaphors”.
Gitarrist Jani Loikkanen über `Rogue Five`:
“My goal was to write a song that has a catchy chorus and lead parts. There’s good energy and spirit for a sweet party. I wrote the intro riff first and that set the song up for a fast paced guitar riffage. And to be honest, this is definitely a song for guitar maniacs”.
`The Flood`:
`Rogue Five`