Du betrachtest gerade A-Z – Fates Warning Ableger teilt Video zu `At the Waters Edge´

A-Z – Fates Warning Ableger teilt Video zu `At the Waters Edge´

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Das selbstbetitelte Debütalbum der beiden ehemaligen nun unter dem Banner A-Z firmierenden Fates Warning Bandkollegen Drummer Mark Zonder und Sänger Ray Alder ist bereits Mitte August erschienen. Doch nun schicken die Hard/Prog Rocker einen Clip zum Track `At The Waters Edge´.

Drummer und Gründungsmitglied Mark Zonder sagt über den Song:

[This is] one of the earlier songs that Viv and I wrote. I always envisioned that the heavy driving part would be the chorus and the kind of reggae softer groove would be the verse. But part of the specialness of this album is that Ray did what he thought sounded best on his own without getting instruction from anyone and kind of flipped the parts around thus creating a very magical special song. The consistent theme and motto of the band is to have everyone contribute creatively with their own style.

