Das Alternative/Modern Metal Projekrt MOTIVE BLACK stammt aus LA und ist die „zeitgemäße Metal-Erfindung“ der charismatischen Sängerin Elana Justin. Auf der neuen Single `Lift Me Up` ist daneben auch Butcher Babies Fronterin Carla Harvey als Special Guest zu hören.
Elana Justin kommentiert:
„The song is about realizing that you can’t find validation through other people. It’s easy to fall into the trap of avoidance, and trying to distract yourself from the growth you require by looking for love in all the wrong places. Facing inward can be truly difficult, but through that journey you find empowerment.“
Und Carla Harvey fügt hinzu:
„I love collaborating with strong women on projects so when I was asked to add my vocals to „Lift Me Up,“ I happily obliged. The result…an infectious tune, and a new found friendship!“