Du betrachtest gerade CRYPTA – Jéssica di Falchi verlässt die Band

CRYPTA – Jéssica di Falchi verlässt die Band

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Und ewig dreht sich das Besetzungskarussell bei CRYPTA. So scheint es, denn Gitarristin Jéssica di Falchi, die erst im Oktober 2022 zu Fernandas Death Metal Ladies, gestoßen war,  ist auch schon wieder verschwunden. Der Schritt sei im gegenseitigen Einvermnehmen erfolgt und ging von der Gitarristin selbst aus, heißt es aus dem CRYPTA Lager.


CRYPTA schreiben:

“This step was taken by mutual agreement, with the decision coming from her, and being respected and accepted by the band.

We are immensely grateful to Jéssica for all our time, journey, experiences and adventures together over the last few years, and we will always cherish and appreciate all her contribution to the band.

„I would like to thank Crypta for trusting in my work and for inviting me to be a part of this story. I am also very grateful to the fans for their support and kindness. I will carry this experience with me forever. See you soon on the road!“ – Jessica

We wish you luck and the best for your future and your career, Jessi! Thank you!

* We would like to remind you all that future shows and tours already scheduled and yet to be announced, as well as the writing and release of Crypta’s third album will continue unaffected and will occur as planned.”


Photo Credit: Sven Bernhardt

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