Genau wie der Bandname es vermuten lässt, klingt die französische Melodic Symphonic Power Metal Band FAIRYLAND, die mit der `A New Dawn` ihre erste Musik auf ihrem neuen Label veröffentlicht hat. Mit dem friedlichen, folkigen Symphonic Song `A New Dawn` beendet die Band eine Pause von fünf Jahren, denn die letzte Scheibe von FAIRYLAND, “Osyrhianta“, erschien 2020.
There was a time
When we were as one
Nothing could come to an end
Our childhood was blind
Innocence thrived
Far from all sins and all pain
Now look here comes a war
Stay united and wait for more
Forever our dreams
Will always remain
We’ll fight and we’ll win
And we’ll grow again
Glory is coming,
There is a new dawn
Our tribe is now winning
And heading for shore
Now look, here comes a war
Stay united and wait for more
In the winds are flying the servants of heaven
On their wings of love, taken in light
As the gods shine bright
Now that we’re here
In the land of our dreams
Nothing could ever go wrong
Our future is bright
Angels on our side
We will always stand strong
Now look here comes a war
Stay united and wait for more
Now look, here comes a war
Stay united and wait for more
In the winds are flying the servants of heaven
On their wings of love, taken in light