Die Heavy Metaller SACRED STEEL ebnen weiter den Weg für ihren neuen, zehnten Studiodreher, der am 25. April erscheint, und präsentieren die neueste Auskopplung `The Watcher Infernal´ samt Video. Vor vier Wochen feierte bereits der Titelsong und Albumopener ihrer neuen „Ritual Supremacy“ Platte Premiere.
Sänger Gerrit P. Mutz kommentiert:
„The beautiful lyric video should speak quite for itself, I guess. The lyrics are written from the perspective of Lucifer, the scapegoat for all things evil on this planet. He’s fed up with being the one to blame and points the finger on humanity instead. I think he is right on that one! Musically it´s different beast than the first two songs we showcased from the new album. More Sabbath-y and not as aggressive. Maybe just a little more pissed off, haha.“