Du betrachtest gerade THE 7TH GUILD – Power Metal Union mit `Glorious` Premierenvideo

THE 7TH GUILD – Power Metal Union mit `Glorious` Premierenvideo

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THE 7TH GUILD, die Power Metal Kooperation mit Gleich drei Sängern (Tomi Fooler,  Giacomo Voli und Ivan Giannini)  veröffentlicht ihren “Triumviro” getauften Longplayer am 21 Februar. Als dritten Song stellt die achtköpfige Band jetzt den balladesken und operesk-symphonischen Song `Glorious` als Video online.



The glow of the night has surrounded

When silence inside growing stronger

A mirror is glancing you back, but you can’t know anymore


Those memories are dancing relentless

Where are all those dreams looking countless

I know, you felt you were the only one could make ‘em fly


Dov’è il fuoco che brucia il tormento

Quell’Ardore a cui grido nel vento


You’re making me Glorious

I find myself crying your name to the night

To tear fears apart


You’re making me Glorious

I pray for the moment to come, when my path will show what to find

And making me Glorious


Like child shutting eyes when is storming

Feels safe with a mother surrounding

No pain and no sorrows can live deep within his lonely heart


Like mother keep holding his hand in

While fading away all that scared him

But knows she won’t walk on, no matter her will not to let him go


Dov’è il fuoco che brucia il tormento

Quell’Ardore a cui grido nel vento


You’re making me Glorious

I find myself crying your name to the night

To tear fears apart

To tear fears apart


You’re making me Glorious

I find myself crying your name to the night

To tear fears apart

You’re making me Glorious


I pray for the moment to come, when my path will show what to find

Keep shining my light


Keep shining my light



Photo Credit: Mattia Antonelli

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